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get it in the neck

  • 101 Zunder

    m; -s, -
    1. tinder; brennen wie Zunder burn like tinder
    2. umg., fig.: jemandem Zunder geben give s.o. (merry) hell; es gibt Zunder oder er etc. bekommt Zunder he’s etc. in for it
    3. TECH., auf Metall: scale
    * * *
    der Zunder
    tinder; punk
    * * *
    Zụn|der ['tsʊndɐ]
    m -s, -
    tinder; (= Schicht auf Metall) scale (oxide); (inf = Prügel) good hiding (inf), thrashing

    Zunder kriegen (inf)to get a good hiding (inf) or thrashing

    jdm Zunder geben (inf)to give sb a good hiding (inf) or thrashing

    * * *
    (a piece of material, a mechanical device etc which makes a bomb etc explode at a particular time: He lit the fuse and waited for the explosion.) fuse
    * * *
    m tinder no art, no pl
    wie \Zunder brennen to burn like tinder
    * * *
    der; Zunders

    trocken wie Zunder — dry as tinder; tinder-dry

    2) (fig. ugs.)
    * * *
    Zunder m; -s, -
    1. tinder;
    brennen wie Zunder burn like tinder
    2. umg, fig:
    jemandem Zunder geben give sb (merry) hell;
    er etc
    bekommt Zunder he’s etc in for it
    3. TECH, auf Metall: scale
    * * *
    der; Zunders

    trocken wie Zunder — dry as tinder; tinder-dry

    2) (fig. ugs.)
    * * *
    - m.
    tinder n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Zunder

  • 102 Zünder

    m; -s, -
    1. tinder; brennen wie Zunder burn like tinder
    2. umg., fig.: jemandem Zunder geben give s.o. (merry) hell; es gibt Zunder oder er etc. bekommt Zunder he’s etc. in for it
    3. TECH., auf Metall: scale
    * * *
    der Zunder
    tinder; punk
    * * *
    Zụn|der ['tsʊndɐ]
    m -s, -
    tinder; (= Schicht auf Metall) scale (oxide); (inf = Prügel) good hiding (inf), thrashing

    Zunder kriegen (inf)to get a good hiding (inf) or thrashing

    jdm Zunder geben (inf)to give sb a good hiding (inf) or thrashing

    * * *
    (a piece of material, a mechanical device etc which makes a bomb etc explode at a particular time: He lit the fuse and waited for the explosion.) fuse
    * * *
    m tinder no art, no pl
    wie \Zunder brennen to burn like tinder
    * * *
    der; Zunders

    trocken wie Zunder — dry as tinder; tinder-dry

    2) (fig. ugs.)
    * * *
    Zünder m; -s, -; fuse; einer Mine: detonator
    * * *
    der; Zunders

    trocken wie Zunder — dry as tinder; tinder-dry

    2) (fig. ugs.)
    * * *
    - m.
    tinder n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Zünder

  • 103 шея


    бросаться на шею кому-л. — throw* one's arms around smb.'s neck

    получить по шее — get* it in the neck

    выгнать, вытолкать кого-л. в шею, в три шеи — throw* / chuck / kick smb. out

    сломать, свернуть себе шею — break* one's neck

    дать кому-л. по шее — give* it smb. in the neck

    сидеть у кого-л. на шее — be a burden to smb., live at smb.'s expense

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > шея

  • 104 шея


    броса́ться на ше́ю кому́-лthrow one's arms around smb's neck

    получи́ть по ше́е — get it in the neck

    вы́гнать / вы́толкать кого́-л в ше́ю [в три ше́и] — throw / chuck / kick smb out

    слома́ть / сверну́ть себе́ ше́ю — break one's neck

    дать кому́-л по ше́е — give it smb in the neck

    намы́лить ше́ю — см. намыливать

    сиде́ть у кого́-л на ше́е — be a burden to smb, live at smb's expense

    по ше́ю — up to the neck

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > шея

  • 105 разминавам

    1. вж. разминавам се
    2. разминавам се, размина се
    3. pass each other, walk past each other
    cross (each other) ( и за писма)
    трябва да сме се разминали we must have missed each other
    4. (за буря и прен.) blow over
    (за яд и) simmer down
    няма да му се размине he won't get away with it, he's sure to get it in the neck
    (ще трябва да го направи) he'll have to go through with it
    размина му се тоя път he got off cheap this time
    * * *
    1. (за болка) pass 2. (за влакове) meet 3. (за яд и) simmer down 4. (ще трябва да го направи) he'll have to go through with it 5. 3, (за буря и прен.) blow over 6. cross (each other) (и за писма) 7. pass each other, walk past each other 8. РАЗМИНАВАМ е се (не се разбираме) talk at cross-purposes 9. вж. разминавам се разминавам се, размина се 10. няма да му се размине he won't get away with it, he's sure to get it in the neck 11. размина му се тоя път he got off cheap this time 12. трябва да сме се разминали we must have missed each other

    Български-английски речник > разминавам

  • 106 получать

    несовер. - получать; совер. - получить
    receive, get; obtain ( доставать); catch, get, contract (болезнь)

    получать/сдавать зачет (по чему-л.)to pass a test (in)

    получать в подарок — (кого-л./что-л.) to receive as a present/gift

    получать взбучку — to have one's gruel; to get it on the nose

    получать нагоняй — to get one's pennyworth; to catch it, to get it, to get it hot разг.

    получать огласку — to become known; to receive publicity; to be made known; to take air

    получать по заслугам — to meet one's deserts, to meet with one's deserts, to get one's fairing, to get one's bitters амер.

    получать преимущество — (над кем-л./чем-л.) to get the better (of); to get the start (of); to come (over)

    получать прибыль — (от чего-л.) to get a profit (out of), to receive a profit (from); to profit (by/from)

    получать признание — to be accorded recognition, to obtain recognition

    получать расчет — to get lay-off pay, to receive lay-off pay

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > получать

  • 107 Ш-54

    НАМЫЛИТЬ (НАМЫТЬ) ШЁЮ кому substand VP subj: human
    1. Also: НАЛОМАТЬ ШЁЮ
    HA-КОСТЫЛЯТЬ ШЁЮ (B ШЁЮ, ПО ШЁЕ) all substand to beat s.o. severely
    X намылит Y-y шею = X will give Y a good beating (thrashing etc)
    X will beat Y up.
    2. Also: МЫЛИТЬ ШЁЮ
    МЫЛИТЬ/НАМЫЛИТЬ ХОЛКУ both substand to reproach s.o. severely, upbraid s.o.: X намылил Y-y шею - X gave Y hell (the business, a tongue-lashing) X bawled (chewed) Y out Y got it in the neck Y got a good talking-to (in limited contexts) X settled Yb hash.
    «Садчиков, я повторил тебе уже три раза - выполняй то, что предписано. Холку потом мне будут мылить, а не тебе» (Семенов 1). "Sadchikov, I've told you three times already-carry out your instructions. It's me that'll get it in the neck afterwards, not you" (1a).
    Зимнюю сессию он одолел «еле можахом», с хвостами, затевал разговор об академическом отпуске, даже пошел без моего ведома в поликлинику, надеясь получить у врачей справку для отпуска, но там ему намылили шею (Трифонов 5). Не had barely made it through the fall semester (as it was, he had a couple of incompletes) and was starting to talk about taking a leave of absence. Without my knowledge he had even gone to the polyclinic, hoping to get a leave of absence on medical grounds, instead he had gotten a good scolding (5a).
    «А откуда вам известно про его штуки?» - «Говорили в институте...» - «Чего ж вы ему тогда холку не намылили?» - «Не пойман - не вор» (Семенов 1). "How do you come to know so much about his tricks?" "They were talked about at the Institute...." "Why didn't you settle his hash at that time?" "You're not a thief till you're caught" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ш-54

  • 108 мылить шею

    НАМЫЛИТЬ < НАМЯТЬ> ШЕЮ кому substand
    [VP; subj: human]
    1. Also: НАЛОМАТЬ ШЕЮ; НАКОСТЫЛЯТЬ ШЕЮ <В ШЕЮ, ПО ШЕЕ> all substand to beat s.o. severely:
    - X намылит Y-y шею X will give Y a good beating (thrashing etc);
    - X will beat Y up.
    2. Also: МЫЛИТЬ ШЕЮ; МЫЛИТЬ/НАМЫЛИТЬ холку both substand to reproach s.o. severely, upbraid s.o.:
    - X намылил Y-y шею X gave Y hell <the business, a tongue-lashing>;
    - X bawled < chewed> Y out;
    - [in limited contexts] X settled Y's hash.
         ♦ "Садчиков, я повторил тебе уже три раза - выполняй то, что предписано. Холку потом мне будут мылить, а не тебе" (Семёнов 1). "Sadchikov, I've told you three times already-carry out your instructions. It's me that'll get it in the neck afterwards, not you" (1a).
         ♦ Зимнюю сессию он одолел " еле можахом", с хвостами, затевал разговор об академическом отпуске, даже пошёл без моего ведома в поликлинику, надеясь получить у врачей справку для отпуска, но там ему намылили шею (Трифонов 5). He had barely made it through the fall semester (as it was, he had a couple of incompletes) and was starting to talk about taking a leave of absence. Without my knowledge he had even gone to the polyclinic, hoping to get a leave of absence on medical grounds; instead he had gotten a good scolding (5a).
         ♦ "А откуда вам известно про его штуки?" - "Говорили в институте..." - "Чего ж вы ему тогда холку не намылили?" - " Не пойман - не вор" (Семёнов 1). "How do you come to know so much about his tricks?" "They were talked about at the Institute...." "Why didn't you settle his hash at that time?" "You're not a thief till you're caught" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > мылить шею

  • 109 накостылять в шею

    НАМЫЛИТЬ < НАМЯТЬ> ШЕЮ кому substand
    [VP; subj: human]
    1. Also: НАЛОМАТЬ ШЕЮ; НАКОСТЫЛЯТЬ ШЕЮ <В ШЕЮ, ПО ШЕЕ> all substand to beat s.o. severely:
    - X намылит Y-y шею X will give Y a good beating (thrashing etc);
    - X will beat Y up.
    2. Also: МЫЛИТЬ ШЕЮ; МЫЛИТЬ/НАМЫЛИТЬ холку both substand to reproach s.o. severely, upbraid s.o.:
    - X намылил Y-y шею X gave Y hell <the business, a tongue-lashing>;
    - X bawled < chewed> Y out;
    - [in limited contexts] X settled Y's hash.
         ♦ "Садчиков, я повторил тебе уже три раза - выполняй то, что предписано. Холку потом мне будут мылить, а не тебе" (Семёнов 1). "Sadchikov, I've told you three times already-carry out your instructions. It's me that'll get it in the neck afterwards, not you" (1a).
         ♦ Зимнюю сессию он одолел " еле можахом", с хвостами, затевал разговор об академическом отпуске, даже пошёл без моего ведома в поликлинику, надеясь получить у врачей справку для отпуска, но там ему намылили шею (Трифонов 5). He had barely made it through the fall semester (as it was, he had a couple of incompletes) and was starting to talk about taking a leave of absence. Without my knowledge he had even gone to the polyclinic, hoping to get a leave of absence on medical grounds; instead he had gotten a good scolding (5a).
         ♦ "А откуда вам известно про его штуки?" - "Говорили в институте..." - "Чего ж вы ему тогда холку не намылили?" - " Не пойман - не вор" (Семёнов 1). "How do you come to know so much about his tricks?" "They were talked about at the Institute...." "Why didn't you settle his hash at that time?" "You're not a thief till you're caught" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > накостылять в шею

  • 110 накостылять по шее

    НАМЫЛИТЬ < НАМЯТЬ> ШЕЮ кому substand
    [VP; subj: human]
    1. Also: НАЛОМАТЬ ШЕЮ; НАКОСТЫЛЯТЬ ШЕЮ <В ШЕЮ, ПО ШЕЕ> all substand to beat s.o. severely:
    - X намылит Y-y шею X will give Y a good beating (thrashing etc);
    - X will beat Y up.
    2. Also: МЫЛИТЬ ШЕЮ; МЫЛИТЬ/НАМЫЛИТЬ холку both substand to reproach s.o. severely, upbraid s.o.:
    - X намылил Y-y шею X gave Y hell <the business, a tongue-lashing>;
    - X bawled < chewed> Y out;
    - [in limited contexts] X settled Y's hash.
         ♦ "Садчиков, я повторил тебе уже три раза - выполняй то, что предписано. Холку потом мне будут мылить, а не тебе" (Семёнов 1). "Sadchikov, I've told you three times already-carry out your instructions. It's me that'll get it in the neck afterwards, not you" (1a).
         ♦ Зимнюю сессию он одолел " еле можахом", с хвостами, затевал разговор об академическом отпуске, даже пошёл без моего ведома в поликлинику, надеясь получить у врачей справку для отпуска, но там ему намылили шею (Трифонов 5). He had barely made it through the fall semester (as it was, he had a couple of incompletes) and was starting to talk about taking a leave of absence. Without my knowledge he had even gone to the polyclinic, hoping to get a leave of absence on medical grounds; instead he had gotten a good scolding (5a).
         ♦ "А откуда вам известно про его штуки?" - "Говорили в институте..." - "Чего ж вы ему тогда холку не намылили?" - " Не пойман - не вор" (Семёнов 1). "How do you come to know so much about his tricks?" "They were talked about at the Institute...." "Why didn't you settle his hash at that time?" "You're not a thief till you're caught" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > накостылять по шее

  • 111 накостылять шею

    НАМЫЛИТЬ < НАМЯТЬ> ШЕЮ кому substand
    [VP; subj: human]
    1. Also: НАЛОМАТЬ ШЕЮ; НАКОСТЫЛЯТЬ ШЕЮ <В ШЕЮ, ПО ШЕЕ> all substand to beat s.o. severely:
    - X намылит Y-y шею X will give Y a good beating (thrashing etc);
    - X will beat Y up.
    2. Also: МЫЛИТЬ ШЕЮ; МЫЛИТЬ/НАМЫЛИТЬ холку both substand to reproach s.o. severely, upbraid s.o.:
    - X намылил Y-y шею X gave Y hell <the business, a tongue-lashing>;
    - X bawled < chewed> Y out;
    - [in limited contexts] X settled Y's hash.
         ♦ "Садчиков, я повторил тебе уже три раза - выполняй то, что предписано. Холку потом мне будут мылить, а не тебе" (Семёнов 1). "Sadchikov, I've told you three times already-carry out your instructions. It's me that'll get it in the neck afterwards, not you" (1a).
         ♦ Зимнюю сессию он одолел " еле можахом", с хвостами, затевал разговор об академическом отпуске, даже пошёл без моего ведома в поликлинику, надеясь получить у врачей справку для отпуска, но там ему намылили шею (Трифонов 5). He had barely made it through the fall semester (as it was, he had a couple of incompletes) and was starting to talk about taking a leave of absence. Without my knowledge he had even gone to the polyclinic, hoping to get a leave of absence on medical grounds; instead he had gotten a good scolding (5a).
         ♦ "А откуда вам известно про его штуки?" - "Говорили в институте..." - "Чего ж вы ему тогда холку не намылили?" - " Не пойман - не вор" (Семёнов 1). "How do you come to know so much about his tricks?" "They were talked about at the Institute...." "Why didn't you settle his hash at that time?" "You're not a thief till you're caught" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > накостылять шею

  • 112 наломать шею

    НАМЫЛИТЬ < НАМЯТЬ> ШЕЮ кому substand
    [VP; subj: human]
    1. Also: НАЛОМАТЬ ШЕЮ; НАКОСТЫЛЯТЬ ШЕЮ <В ШЕЮ, ПО ШЕЕ> all substand to beat s.o. severely:
    - X намылит Y-y шею X will give Y a good beating (thrashing etc);
    - X will beat Y up.
    2. Also: МЫЛИТЬ ШЕЮ; МЫЛИТЬ/НАМЫЛИТЬ холку both substand to reproach s.o. severely, upbraid s.o.:
    - X намылил Y-y шею X gave Y hell <the business, a tongue-lashing>;
    - X bawled < chewed> Y out;
    - [in limited contexts] X settled Y's hash.
         ♦ "Садчиков, я повторил тебе уже три раза - выполняй то, что предписано. Холку потом мне будут мылить, а не тебе" (Семёнов 1). "Sadchikov, I've told you three times already-carry out your instructions. It's me that'll get it in the neck afterwards, not you" (1a).
         ♦ Зимнюю сессию он одолел " еле можахом", с хвостами, затевал разговор об академическом отпуске, даже пошёл без моего ведома в поликлинику, надеясь получить у врачей справку для отпуска, но там ему намылили шею (Трифонов 5). He had barely made it through the fall semester (as it was, he had a couple of incompletes) and was starting to talk about taking a leave of absence. Without my knowledge he had even gone to the polyclinic, hoping to get a leave of absence on medical grounds; instead he had gotten a good scolding (5a).
         ♦ "А откуда вам известно про его штуки?" - "Говорили в институте..." - "Чего ж вы ему тогда холку не намылили?" - " Не пойман - не вор" (Семёнов 1). "How do you come to know so much about his tricks?" "They were talked about at the Institute...." "Why didn't you settle his hash at that time?" "You're not a thief till you're caught" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > наломать шею

  • 113 намылить холку

    НАМЫЛИТЬ < НАМЯТЬ> ШЕЮ кому substand
    [VP; subj: human]
    1. Also: НАЛОМАТЬ ШЕЮ; НАКОСТЫЛЯТЬ ШЕЮ <В ШЕЮ, ПО ШЕЕ> all substand to beat s.o. severely:
    - X намылит Y-y шею X will give Y a good beating (thrashing etc);
    - X will beat Y up.
    2. Also: МЫЛИТЬ ШЕЮ; МЫЛИТЬ/НАМЫЛИТЬ холку both substand to reproach s.o. severely, upbraid s.o.:
    - X намылил Y-y шею X gave Y hell <the business, a tongue-lashing>;
    - X bawled < chewed> Y out;
    - [in limited contexts] X settled Y's hash.
         ♦ "Садчиков, я повторил тебе уже три раза - выполняй то, что предписано. Холку потом мне будут мылить, а не тебе" (Семёнов 1). "Sadchikov, I've told you three times already-carry out your instructions. It's me that'll get it in the neck afterwards, not you" (1a).
         ♦ Зимнюю сессию он одолел " еле можахом", с хвостами, затевал разговор об академическом отпуске, даже пошёл без моего ведома в поликлинику, надеясь получить у врачей справку для отпуска, но там ему намылили шею (Трифонов 5). He had barely made it through the fall semester (as it was, he had a couple of incompletes) and was starting to talk about taking a leave of absence. Without my knowledge he had even gone to the polyclinic, hoping to get a leave of absence on medical grounds; instead he had gotten a good scolding (5a).
         ♦ "А откуда вам известно про его штуки?" - "Говорили в институте..." - "Чего ж вы ему тогда холку не намылили?" - " Не пойман - не вор" (Семёнов 1). "How do you come to know so much about his tricks?" "They were talked about at the Institute...." "Why didn't you settle his hash at that time?" "You're not a thief till you're caught" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > намылить холку

  • 114 намылить шею

    НАМЫЛИТЬ < НАМЯТЬ> ШЕЮ кому substand
    [VP; subj: human]
    1. Also: НАЛОМАТЬ ШЕЮ; НАКОСТЫЛЯТЬ ШЕЮ <В ШЕЮ, ПО ШЕЕ> all substand to beat s.o. severely:
    - X намылит Y-y шею X will give Y a good beating (thrashing etc);
    - X will beat Y up.
    2. Also: МЫЛИТЬ ШЕЮ; МЫЛИТЬ/НАМЫЛИТЬ холку both substand to reproach s.o. severely, upbraid s.o.:
    - X намылил Y-y шею X gave Y hell <the business, a tongue-lashing>;
    - X bawled < chewed> Y out;
    - [in limited contexts] X settled Y's hash.
         ♦ "Садчиков, я повторил тебе уже три раза - выполняй то, что предписано. Холку потом мне будут мылить, а не тебе" (Семёнов 1). "Sadchikov, I've told you three times already-carry out your instructions. It's me that'll get it in the neck afterwards, not you" (1a).
         ♦ Зимнюю сессию он одолел " еле можахом", с хвостами, затевал разговор об академическом отпуске, даже пошёл без моего ведома в поликлинику, надеясь получить у врачей справку для отпуска, но там ему намылили шею (Трифонов 5). He had barely made it through the fall semester (as it was, he had a couple of incompletes) and was starting to talk about taking a leave of absence. Without my knowledge he had even gone to the polyclinic, hoping to get a leave of absence on medical grounds; instead he had gotten a good scolding (5a).
         ♦ "А откуда вам известно про его штуки?" - "Говорили в институте..." - "Чего ж вы ему тогда холку не намылили?" - " Не пойман - не вор" (Семёнов 1). "How do you come to know so much about his tricks?" "They were talked about at the Institute...." "Why didn't you settle his hash at that time?" "You're not a thief till you're caught" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > намылить шею

  • 115 намять холку

    НАМЫЛИТЬ < НАМЯТЬ> ШЕЮ кому substand
    [VP; subj: human]
    1. Also: НАЛОМАТЬ ШЕЮ; НАКОСТЫЛЯТЬ ШЕЮ <В ШЕЮ, ПО ШЕЕ> all substand to beat s.o. severely:
    - X намылит Y-y шею X will give Y a good beating (thrashing etc);
    - X will beat Y up.
    2. Also: МЫЛИТЬ ШЕЮ; МЫЛИТЬ/НАМЫЛИТЬ холку both substand to reproach s.o. severely, upbraid s.o.:
    - X намылил Y-y шею X gave Y hell <the business, a tongue-lashing>;
    - X bawled < chewed> Y out;
    - [in limited contexts] X settled Y's hash.
         ♦ "Садчиков, я повторил тебе уже три раза - выполняй то, что предписано. Холку потом мне будут мылить, а не тебе" (Семёнов 1). "Sadchikov, I've told you three times already-carry out your instructions. It's me that'll get it in the neck afterwards, not you" (1a).
         ♦ Зимнюю сессию он одолел " еле можахом", с хвостами, затевал разговор об академическом отпуске, даже пошёл без моего ведома в поликлинику, надеясь получить у врачей справку для отпуска, но там ему намылили шею (Трифонов 5). He had barely made it through the fall semester (as it was, he had a couple of incompletes) and was starting to talk about taking a leave of absence. Without my knowledge he had even gone to the polyclinic, hoping to get a leave of absence on medical grounds; instead he had gotten a good scolding (5a).
         ♦ "А откуда вам известно про его штуки?" - "Говорили в институте..." - "Чего ж вы ему тогда холку не намылили?" - " Не пойман - не вор" (Семёнов 1). "How do you come to know so much about his tricks?" "They were talked about at the Institute...." "Why didn't you settle his hash at that time?" "You're not a thief till you're caught" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > намять холку

  • 116 намять шею

    НАМЫЛИТЬ < НАМЯТЬ> ШЕЮ кому substand
    [VP; subj: human]
    1. Also: НАЛОМАТЬ ШЕЮ; НАКОСТЫЛЯТЬ ШЕЮ <В ШЕЮ, ПО ШЕЕ> all substand to beat s.o. severely:
    - X намылит Y-y шею X will give Y a good beating (thrashing etc);
    - X will beat Y up.
    2. Also: МЫЛИТЬ ШЕЮ; МЫЛИТЬ/НАМЫЛИТЬ холку both substand to reproach s.o. severely, upbraid s.o.:
    - X намылил Y-y шею X gave Y hell <the business, a tongue-lashing>;
    - X bawled < chewed> Y out;
    - [in limited contexts] X settled Y's hash.
         ♦ "Садчиков, я повторил тебе уже три раза - выполняй то, что предписано. Холку потом мне будут мылить, а не тебе" (Семёнов 1). "Sadchikov, I've told you three times already-carry out your instructions. It's me that'll get it in the neck afterwards, not you" (1a).
         ♦ Зимнюю сессию он одолел " еле можахом", с хвостами, затевал разговор об академическом отпуске, даже пошёл без моего ведома в поликлинику, надеясь получить у врачей справку для отпуска, но там ему намылили шею (Трифонов 5). He had barely made it through the fall semester (as it was, he had a couple of incompletes) and was starting to talk about taking a leave of absence. Without my knowledge he had even gone to the polyclinic, hoping to get a leave of absence on medical grounds; instead he had gotten a good scolding (5a).
         ♦ "А откуда вам известно про его штуки?" - "Говорили в институте..." - "Чего ж вы ему тогда холку не намылили?" - " Не пойман - не вор" (Семёнов 1). "How do you come to know so much about his tricks?" "They were talked about at the Institute...." "Why didn't you settle his hash at that time?" "You're not a thief till you're caught" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > намять шею

  • 117 шея

    ж. neck;
    броситься на шею кому-л. throw*/fling* one`s arms round smb. `s neck;
    fall* on smb. `s neck;
    дать кому-л. по шее give* smb. а thrashing;
    гнать кого-л. в шею, в три шеи kick smb. out;
    получить по шее get* it in the neck, сломать себе шею break* one`s neck;
    сидеть у кого-л. на шее live at smb. `s expense, live on smb.

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > шея

  • 118 нарваться на выговор

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > нарваться на выговор

  • 119 grade

    grade [gʀad]
    masculine noun
       a. (Administration, military) rank
       b. (Mathematics, technical) grade
    * * *
    nom masculin rank

    en prendre pour son grade — (colloq) to be hauled over the coals

    * * *
    ɡʀad nm
    1) MILITAIRE rank
    2) ÉDUCATION degree
    * * *
    gradeLes grades nm
    1 ( niveau hiérarchique) rank; nommé au grade de appointed to the rank of; de grade élevé high-ranking ( épith); monter en grade to be promoted; casser un officier de son grade to demote an officer to the ranks;
    2 Univ ( titre) degree; grade de docteur doctor's degree;
    3 Math ( en géométrie) grade;
    en prendre pour son grade to be hauled over the coals, to get a good dressing-down.
    [grad] nom masculin
    1. [rang] rank
    avancer ou monter en grade to be promoted
    2. [niveau]

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > grade

  • 120 yanmak

    "1. to burn, be on fire; to burn up, burn down. 2. (for an electrical implement) to burn out. 3. to be burned, scorched, or singed; to get a burn or scald; to get sunburned. 4. to get tanned by the sun. 5. (for a light, eye of a stove) to be on, be burning; (for electricity) to be on. 6. to have fever, be feverish; /içinde/ to burn with (fever). 7. to have a burning sensation in (one´s eyes, throat, etc.), (for one´s eyes, throat, etc.) to burn. 8. to be in a bad predicament, be sunk, be done for, have had it; to get it in the neck; to be in the soup. 9. to expire; to become void. 10. to be out, be eliminated (used by children when playing certain games). 11. /a/ to feel great sadness (at); to feel bitter regret (for). 12. (for an agricultural crop) to be damaged: Portakallar dondan yandı. The orange trees were damaged by the frost. 13. (for a place) to be blazing hot, be hot as blazes. 14. /la/ to be burning (with an emotion, a feeling). 15. /için/ to have a burning desire (for something, to do something); to burn (to do something). 16. /a/ to be inflamed with love for, be madly in love with; to feel a burning (sexual) desire for, have the hots for. yanıp tutuşmak 1. /a or için/ to be inflamed with love for, be madly in love with; to feel a burning (sexual) desire for, have the hots for. 2. /için/ to have a burning desire (for something, to do something); to burn (to do something). 3. /için/ to burn with regret (because of). yanıp yakılmak/yakınmak to pour out one´s woes. "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > yanmak

См. также в других словарях:

  • get it in the neck — (informal) To be severely dealt with or hard hit • • • Main Entry: ↑neck * * * get it in the neck british informal phrase to be criticized or punished I’ll probably get it in the neck for this. Thesaurus: to be criticized …   Useful english dictionary

  • get it in the neck — See: CATCH IT IN THE NECK …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get it in the neck — See: CATCH IT IN THE NECK …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get it in the neck — (UK) If you get it in the neck, you are punished or criticised for something …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • get\ it\ in\ the\ neck — v. phr. slang To be blamed or punished. Tom got it in the neck because he forgot to close the windows when it rained. Students get it in the neck when they lose library books. Compare: catch it, get what s coming to one Syn.: catch it in the neck …   Словарь американских идиом

  • get it in the neck — tv. to receive something bad, such as punishment or criticism. (See also pain in the neck.) □ You are going to get it in the neck for that remark. □ Jimmy was afraid he’d get it in the neck for being late …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • get it in the neck — (UK)    If you get it in the neck, you are punished or criticised for something.   (Dorking School Dictionary) …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • get it in the neck — British informal to be criticized or punished I ll probably get it in the neck for this …   English dictionary

  • get it in the neck — ► get (or catch) it in the neck informal be severely criticized or punished. Main Entry: ↑neck …   English terms dictionary

  • get it in the neck — British & Australian, informal to be punished or criticized for something that you have done. It always seems to be the chairman of these football clubs who gets it in the neck when the team does badly …   New idioms dictionary

  • Get it in the neck — be reprimanded or punished severely …   Dictionary of Australian slang

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